We knew we would be coming back to Rome and Southern Italy. We knew that in July of 1969 when Leslie threw coins over her shoulder into Trevi Fountain (c.f. “Three Coins in the Fountain”). We just did not know then that it would be nearly a half a century later. In fact it wouldn’t be today if we had not stopped in Denver last winter to have coffee with Dick and Dottie Lamm. We met Dick and Dottie in the early seventies when Dick ran for governor of Colorado and won and served two terms. Dick and Dottie have been lighting environmental lamps all along the torturous roads of the past half century. After that coffee, Dick and Dottie asked us to join them in a September “Walk to Sorrento” and we gladly agreed to do so..

So, here we are today – in Roma – and throwing yet more coins into the Trevi Fountain. That summer day so long ago, just 9 months before our lovely son Scott was born, seems still clear in our memories – thanks to Kodak. Today, even in the fall, the fountain was crowded and the coins were flying! And Rome looks to us just as it looked in 1969, and in some of the many parks and monuments, more-or-less as it looked a hundred or a couple of thousand years ago.
We arrived in Rome yesterday afternoon after a Condor swooped us from Seattle to Frankfort and Lufthansa then dropped us in Rome. We are staying at an Air B&B (www.airbnb.com) wherein people register their home as a place for travelers to stay. We registered as interested parties and then looked at what was available in Rome and we soon found Sile. Here we have her extra bedroom on the 5th floor of an apartment building fairly close to the Colosseum and the Roman Forum.

We have received excellent traveler’s advice from Sile and we have walked from Sile’s apartment past the Colosseum and on to revisit Trevi Fountain and then to wander in the tiny, twisting old streets of this oh-so-modern yet ancient city. At Sile’s, you not only get good advice but you get lots of attention from Pepe, her frisky feline.
Some people here seem to have no visible means of support and some can think right through things. And, don’t forget to jump out of the way when the gladiators clash past.
Tomorrow we will take the train to Naples where soon we will meet up with our Colorado friends and start our “Walk to Sorrento”.
Below is a link to more photos. Just click on the image!
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15 Sep 2013Oh my goodness – I LOVE the “then and now” photos – what beautiful people you are, both then and now.
Can’t wait to see where else we all go vicariously through your travels this trip!
16 Sep 2013Val and Leslie, I will be again traveling vicariously with you on your Italy adventure. Have a wonderful time!
bill rosser
17 Sep 2013cute gal at the fountain–then and now!
24 Sep 2013What a charming account of your stay in Rome and am really honoured to be featured in it!
Love the photos and even though it was too short a time, Pepe and I really enjoyed your company.
PS When are you back to Rome? As they say in Italian, ‘non c’è due senza tre’! (good things come in threes)