First MailChimp Test

Greetings you long-suffering subscribers. This is my first test of the new notification software. I am keeping my fingers crossed that all of you who subscribed, often years ago, will get a notification from MailChimp.

And, those that have unsubscribed from the nasty feedproxy web site will no longer get emails from that quadrant. I hope you don’t get double notifications if you have unsubscribed.

On a less blog programming note, the Seattle Times published today (Sunday) a long article on underwater noise and the plight of the orcas resident here in Puget Sound and the Salish Sea.

Scott and I are in the article as is Leslie as she helps deploy a new hydrophone pulling and pushing and maneuvering our little dingy.

Here is a link:

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. So proud to know you two.

  2. Hurray, it now works!


  3. Good for you. I hope it will make a difference.

  4. The link worked. Yay!

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